E-Signed Documents: Search and View
GEODI displays the signature information and timestamp information of your E-Signed PDF files and allows you to search from this information. Increases reliability without the need for external verification methods.
The signature information of PDF documents signed with the PAdES method is automatically recognized during indexing. You will see this information when you open the document. In addition to signatories and timestamps, certificate details are also displayed.
There is no additional work you need to do to recognize e-signed documents. GEODI does it for you.
You can search through e-signatures using the query commands e-signature:... or signature:.....
Example: Searching for e-signature: "name surname" will find documents e-signed by the person "name surname".
When you select a document with e-signature, you can see all e-signature information on the right side.
In the Words screen, you can see that the discovered words come from the e-signature.
On the document viewer screen, you can view e-signature details with the top right Info (I) button.