Search by word proximity

Search by word proximity

The "()" at the end of the rule means the nearest discovery results given the words. This operator is a great insight tool.

Search results are unaffected if used alone, but MAPS, KEYWORDS, and GRAPHS pages are always affected because those basically demand discovery results.

  • On the MAP page Accident() means show places near to word Accident.

  • “Accident() Insurance” means finding documents with Accident and Insurance, but they should be close to each other.

  • Accident() Crash() means accident and crash ear to each other. This narrows the search results.

  • Only related words remain when you use the operator in the keyword page. Places or people related to accidents may be found this way.


Accident() -> Default distance is 10

Accident(20) -> You may override the default

Accident() Crash() -> They should all be within the distance to each other. This is different than “Accident Crash” as it requires each word to side by side.

"Accident Crash"() --> is possible

*Accident() -> You may use * or tilda(~) operator with proximity , Accident*() , Accident~()

December 2021() -> Proximity rule works with other feature

Birth() layer:Date* → Lists possible birth dates.