GEODI Installation Requirements
GEODI is a web application. Users access GEODI through an internet browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. GEODI Server runs on your servers, and data remains inside.
This page lists the basic requirements for installation.
GEODI Server Requirements
16+ Cores, 32Gb+ Memory, 500GB+ Disk
Windows 8 and above
.NET Framework 4.0
More power is useful when extensive OCR requirements.
Physical/virtual or cloud server (Azure, Amazon, or others).
For FacePro or ImagePro, CUDA-supported NVIDIA GPU hardware is required.
Authorized Users
Authorized users and credential is required
For Windows Service Installation
A user with read-only access rights for Folder Data sources or File servers. File servers may be indexed with a GDE agent as a Windows service. Each server may require a different user.
Credentials for Databases, e-mails, and other data sources should be ready before the installation. GEODI stores this information encrypted.
GEODI requires storage for Index and, depending on preferences, for other purposes.
Optional Internet Access Requirements
Help Desk and Support Site Links
Your configuration may need some agents to be installed.