Search On Fields or DB Columns

Search On Fields or DB Columns

GEODI searches for given criteria across all sources connected to your project.


Fields are special compartments in GEODI. Fields allow you to narrow your search target. They may come from Database table columns(if enabled), or some tools like GDE may provide these values.

The criteria is a GEODI query.


GEODI also searches in databases or structured excel files. You can limit the search by field name. If more than one table in multiple databases contains the same field, the search includes all. So GEODI effectively merges all structured data along with unstructured ones. You can specify the table name for a specific table using ‘parent:’

GEODI collects field names by itself. Indexing and other phases are all auto, but you may use SQL to define how a DB and Tables will be indexed.

PCs discovered by GDE and some other tools may also have a field name that can be searched in this way.



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