You can access GEODI Reports through the search interface by clicking on the three dots. This page will explain how to access the same reports and more using the API. GEODI Report services can also be used as user-defined web services with appropriate definitions.
| |
Definition | You can retrieve the reports defined within GEODI using the REST API. The returned result will vary depending on the report type. For example, a GeoJSON report returns JSON, while other reports may return HTML, CSV, or Excel. Up-to-date methods are in |
Request | [GEODIURL]/GeodiExportHandler?op=ExportQueryResult&ReportID=[raporun IDsi]&st_wsName=[WSNAME]&st_query=[StrorageManagerQueryOptions_JSON]&languagetemp=[en-US|tr-tr|..]&UserSession=[TOKEN]
HttpMethod | GET, POST |
Expected Errors | 401 Unauthorized access / Access denied 403 Forbidden 511 Network Authentication Required 501 Server Error / Untrusted Request 204 No Content 408 Unknown Workspace |
Return value | Depens on the reporttype. Geojson report returns json, but others may return HTML, CSV, or XLSX. |
Samples | You should change the address with your GEODI.
Custom Service Report API
| |
Definition | This API differs from the previous that the result can be similar to GEODI views. The query mode parameter changes the behavior. Up-to-date methods are in |
Request | [GEODIURL]/GeodiExportHandler?op=Export2&queryMode=[DLV|KLV|..]&ReportID=[raporun IDsi]&wsName=[WSNAME]&query=[StrorageManagerQueryOptions_JSON]&languagetemp=[en-US|tr-tr|..]&UserSession=[TOKEN]
HttpMethod | GET, POST |
Expected Errors | 401 Unauthorized access / Access denied 403 Forbidden 511 Network Authentication Required 501 Server Error / Untrusted Request 204 No Content 408 Unknown Workspace |
Return Value | Depens on the reporttype. Geojson report returns json, but others may return HTML, CSV, or XLSX. |
Samples | You should change the address with your GEODI. Please install the following module for an example.
Sample Report (jsettings ve html) {
"ID": "Sample1",
"__type": "Factory.ActionFactory:HTMLReporter",
"DisableDownload": true,
"DisableWaitConnectionCheck": true,
"DisplayName": "Sample1",
"ForcedExtension": ".json",
"DefaultContentType": "text/json",
"GenericSettings": {
"QueryMode": "DLV",
"FillOptions": 33554432,
"QueryStringParams": {
"FillLayerNames": "1"
"HideClient": true
<dcc:repeater> [=c.RepeaterIndex>0?",":""] { "Content":[=c.ToJson(d.DisplayName)], "ContentId":[=d.ContentIdentifier], "Version":[=d.DocVersion], "Recognizer":[=c.ToJson(d.AdditionalValues.ContainsKey("DocLayersNames")?string.Join(";",(List
<string>)d.AdditionalValues["DocLayersNames"\]):"")], "UNCPath":[=c.ToJson(d.AdditionalValues["UNC"\])], "ContentType":[=c.ToJson(d.ContentType)], "ModifiedDate":"[=((DateTime)d.AdditionalValues["ContentDate"\]).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fff'Z'")]", "Source":[=c.ToJson(d.AdditionalValues.ContainsKey("EnumaratorName")?d.AdditionalValues["EnumaratorName"\]:null)] "ComputerName":[=c.ToJson(d.AdditionalValues.ContainsKey("SP_ComputerName")?d.AdditionalValues["SP_ComputerName"\]:null)], "IP":[=c.ToJson(d.AdditionalValues.ContainsKey("SP_IP")?d.AdditionalValues["SP_IP"\]:null)] }
] |