Search by Hierarchy and Source
GEODI searches for given criteria across all sources connected to your project.
You may limit the search results by content sources you have used in the project settings. You may also set rules for parent documents.
You may specify more than one source. If you set source names in a tree format, you should refer to them the same way.
parent: Search by parent content. ZIPs or folders may have other content under them. if you take a note, then it becomes a child of the content.
child: search by child content. e.g. search files whose note contains “eligible”.
Parent query finds content whose parent matches the rule. You give the name of a ZIP and find files in the ZIP.
parent:Georgia* → files whose parent(ZIP or Folder..) has starts with Georgia
parent2:*.ZIP → files in ZIP files
source:Archive parent2:*.ZIP georgia → All ZIPs from Archive, and files that has gerogia in it.
This finds parent from child. You give a criteria for a file but find a ZIP or Folder that contains the file.
child:”eligible” → all files with eligible but contained
child:*.geodinote important
→ all files with a note contains important
child:*.ZIP doc:*.pdf important
→ all PDF files with contains important in ZIP files.
child:A*.ZIP doc:*.pdf important
→ all PDF files with contains important in ZIP files name start with A
A GEODI Project may include multiple sources. You may limit the search by source
source:Archive anyword → all content from Archive contains the word Anyword.