Basic Search
Basic search rules are similar to those of Google, Bing, or any other search engine.
GEODI searches for given criteria across all sources connected to your project.
All data sources, files, social media, or DBs are searched unless you limit the target.
We use the term “CONTENT” to address all types. Content is a file, tweet, or row in a database.
You may search for any word(s). Search is case-insensitive; that is, the upper or lower case does not matter.
is the same.if you want to search words with next to each other, put an “ around to search for an exact phrase.
You may use “*” at the beginning or end of a word for an unknown part.
Use “-” → minus reverses any rule.
Use “~” if you are not sure about the spelling.
Date search → Just write the date or a date range. Because of semantic search abilities, GEODI finds all content no matter how the date is written.
Note search → To search your own or others' notes, just use
ornote owner:me
You may use any rules together.
There are more rules to use. Some are available in the facet area on the left to add more criteria about content types, sources, and recognizers.
-> Any content that contains Georgia
Geordia Aquarium
-> Content with Georgia and Aquarium. These words must exist but not necessarily next to each other.
"Georgia Aquarium"
-> Content with Georgia Aquarium. The words must exist next to each other(because of ")
-> Content with Georgia or George or ..
-> Content with smartcity or capacity or velocity (among the first 20)
-> Content w/o Georgia
-> Content w/o smartcity or capacity or velocity
-> Berlon~ finds Berlin, Terlon..
January 1st, 2020
-> finds all content with that date no matter how it is written. Jan 1, 2020
, 1 Enero 2020
, 01.01.2020
or other languages.
1-5 Jan 2020
-> Finds all content fall into this range. 4 jan 2020
for example.
-> all notes I am allowed to see, you can take notes for all content types and you can open the main content by clicking the note.
note owner:me
-> my notes
-> content added with drag and drop by me.