GEODI 310 - Discovery

GEODI 310 - Discovery


You now have a lot of knowledge about GEODI. In this course, we will cover how to use those features for a Discovery project.

After discovery, we will show how to pinpoint non-conforming content and how to By discovering you now know the risks and Our focus will more on the results and actions to reduce


Technical, General


45min + 45min

Prerequisite Trainings



  1. We assume that you already have installed and have a running GEODI server.

  2. Choose a data source to work on. You already know how to connect a data source and discover the content. So we will not go in to detail in this course but focus more on the results, those are queries, reports, panels and actions.

  3. Lets watch a short video on The Discovery Panel in GEODI 131. The panel gives you brief information about the findings and a good starting point to see what the Discovey results are.

  4. You may use queries, reports or panels. You decide which ones to use.

  5. Databases: Just get the ContentFindings(DB) report and find tables and columns with sensitive data, PII, PCI, or other. It is your decision how to remediate. The GEODI masking/anonymization solution offers a way to mask/anonymize those data in place or in a copy(for testing or SW development purposes).

  6. Inspecting Discovery Results page briefly explains how to query conforming or non-conforming information. For example, the predefined:PII query lists all PII content, and the (minus)predefined:PII list does not have PII. The facet area gives more details about it.

  7. Remediation:You may decide to remediate data, change permissions or leave it as is. If you use LDAP, you can see which groups see a content, or user:<user|group> query tells what a user/group has access to. Remediation works for folder/file server and GDE content.

  8. Legacy Data: Predefined:O5Y or predefined:O10Y queries select data older than 5 or 10 years. You may delete, quarantine, or mask them. You can add more criteria like CV and older than 5 years etc.

  9. Alarms: Now you ve discovered and remediated the data. It is a good starting. But new data keep coming and may have sensitive information. Alarms allows you to keep informed about if a new data has sensitive content. You may set an alarm on a query. A query like Predefined:PII and Source:XServer will inform you if sensitive information goes in XServer. GEODI query bar has save and set alarm action for this purpose.

  10. We hope you data will always be safe.



Supporting Material


  • Please do not hesitate to ask for support from our teams if you are unsure about a topic or unable to do something.

  • Some features may not be in your license.


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