Dictionary and Recognizers

Dictionary and Recognizers

GEODI discover the content with 2 methods: Dictionaries and Recognizers.

Recognizers and Dictionaries are called Layers in GEODI. GEODI Layers can be added within a Project, allowing multidimensional analysis of content.

GEODI Dictionaries can be shared with other GEODI users. This centralizes and simplifies both installation, standardization and development.



Creating a Dictionary

Dictionaries can be created in several different ways. You can create a dictionary yourself without any tools. Synonyms should be written in a single column and separated by commas.

It is also possible to import information from different formats (CSV, KML, etc.) into this dictionary. You can also use your existing data in CSV or Shape format directly as a dictionary using the "From File" option. 

There is also a "Database" option in the GEODI dictionary creation interface. With this option, a connection can be established with shp, csv, excel, kml and access files or MySql, Oracle, SqLite, Postrgre databases. As long as this connection is not interrupted, GEODI will periodically read the updated data and keep the dictionary up to date.

MOBIDI can create a dictionary from a database but it is not bound. It reads the records once and creates the dictionary.

You can match the fields needed for the dictionary with the fields in the data source.






CSV files can be used as GEODI dictionary.



Shape files can be used directly as dictionaries.

Shape attribute information is matched with GEODI dictionary requirements.

Shape Dosya Sorunları ve Çözümleri


Excel files can be used as dictionaries.


Veri tabanı Sistemleri

Dictionaries can be created from records in MySql, Oracle, SqLite, Postrgre databases.

GEODI can keep the linked pattern dictionary up to date. For this, the dictionary type Database must be selected. MOBIDI does not have this feature. It reads the records once and adds them to the dictionary.


Many dictionary records can be created at once from KMLs with multiple geometries. the name in the KML will be taken as the word. The data created in this way can be edited later.

Site plans can be transferred in this way.


KML data with a single geometry can also be used. On Google Earth, you should go to the line containing the relevant geometry in the layer tree and "Copy" it. You can then "Paste" this data into the record you will open in the GEODI Dictionary Wizard. This process waits for a single geometry.

It is useful for transferring information such as road geometry. If your road geometry is piecemeal (such as alignments, curves, etc.), you should go through your route in KML and make it a single piece. The software you are using to create the KML may also have an option to transfer it in one piece. GEODI uses proportions when calculating mileage. It is enough that the route you use is close to the actual route.


Netcad/Netpro Route files

These files are transferred directly. EPSG code of the project must be given for transfer. You can learn the EPSG code from Netcad projection settings.


WKT Format point/line/area geometries are accepted.



You can import geometries obtained from sources such as Google Maps by copy-paste.



Sharing Dictionaries

To share a user dictionary, it is sufficient to share the ".geodiDictionary" file of the user dictionary. The dictionaries are located in the folder %APPDATA%\Dece\Geodi\Dictionaries. You can save the file to the target computer's memory, to the sharing folder on the network or share it via HTTP.

Sharing the Dictionary Attached with a File

To share a file-attached dictionary, you must share the ".geodiDictionary" file and the files that this dictionary uses. It is important to note that the ".geodiDictionary" file must be in the same folder as the source files.

For example, if the ".geodiDictionary" file of the CSV dictionary created from the "denemef.csv" file is shared from the path "C:\CSV\CSVDictionary_10974aa4-e625-43ee-a054-d364f712f50a.geodiDictionary", the "denemef.csv" file should also be placed in the "C:\CSV\" folder. The same applies to sharing dictionaries from the sharing folder on the network. Sharing dictionaries over HTTP is a bit different. It is explained in the "Adding a Dictionary via HTTP with File" section below.

Sharing a CSV Dictionary

To share a CSV dictionary, it is necessary to share the ".geodiDictionary" file and the CSV file used as a source in the same folder.

Sharing Shapefile Dictionary

Although a file with the extension ".shp" is specified as the source when creating Shapefile dictionaries, other files in the same directory are also used when reading the dictionary.

For example, a dictionary created from the file "GOLBASIYOLORTA.shp" also uses ".cpg", ".dbf", ".prj", ".sbn", ".sbx", ".xml", and ".shx" files in the same folder as this file, and all these files should be put in the same folder as ".geodiDictionary" as well as ".shp" when sharing. When the dictionary created from this file is shared as "\\decesrv\Partner\umit.tamer\shp\ShapeFileDictionary_06514f9a-f3f2-4786-8c5c-faae933bd2d1.geodiDictionary", the ".shp" file and all other mentioned files should be placed in "\decesrv\Ortak\umit.tamer\shp".

Adding a Dictionary with File via HTTP

Sharing over HTTP is largely the same as sharing over a network or by copying files. The difference is that if multiple files are used as the source of the content, such as Shapefile, these files need to be compressed into a ZIP file. The ZIP and ".geodiDictionary" files are placed in the same directory on the HTTP server. For example, CSV dictionaries are not shared as ZIP files because they use only a single CSV file as the source file, while Shapefile files are shared as ZIP files.

Ex: If the "ShapeFileDictionary_3a02e185-066c-4683-84c3-a1ef8009cfd9.geodiDictionary" file of the dictionary created using "GOLBASIYOLORTA.shp" is shared as "http://localhost/ShapeFile/ShapeFileDictionary_3a02e185-066c-4683-84c3-a1ef8009cfd9.geodiDictionary", the "GOLBASIYOLORTA.shp.zip" file containing the source files is shared under the "http://localhost/ShapeFile/" directory: "http://localhost/ShapeFile/GOLBASIYOLORTA.shp.zip"

Sharing a CSV Dictionary

To share a CSV dictionary, the ".geodiDictionary" file and the CSV file used as a source must be placed in the same directory.

Sharing Shapefile Dictionary

To share the Shapefile dictionary, it is necessary to share the ".geodiDictionary" file and the ZIP file in the same directory where the files used as source are compressed. It is important to make sure that the ZIP file contains not only ".shp" used to create the dictionary but also other files used to read the dictionary. For example: ".cpg", ".dbf", ".prj", ".sbn", ".sbx", ".xml", and ".shx". Another thing to note is that these files should be placed directly under the ZIP file and not in another folder under the ZIP file. When the ZIP file is opened, if it appears as individual files instead of a folder as in the example below, then the above condition is met. The name of the ZIP file should be "[Shapefile File Name].shp.zip".

Ex: "GOLBASIYOLORTA.shp" for "GOLBASIYOLORTA.shp.zip". This should not be confused with other file names. Ex: A ZIP file compressed with the name "GOLBASIYOLORORTA.cpg.zip" will not be recognized.

 Adding the Shared Dictionary

  1. Open the "Dictionaries" tab.

  2. Click on the "New" button in the upper right corner in the shape of a "+".

  3. Click on the "From File" button in step 1 of the "Dictionary Wizard".

  4. In the dialog box that appears, type the path to the shared ".geodiDictionary" file. This file path can be written as follows:

    1. On computer memory (e.g.: "%APPDATA%\Dece\Geodi\Dictionaries\GeodiDictionary_1ba78c30-32c0-44d3-abd2-e3200003c045.geodiDictionary")

    2. In the share folder (e.g.: "\\share\GeodiDictionary\GeodiDictionary_1ba78c30-32c0-44d3-abd2-e3200003c045.geodiDictionary")

    3. The HTTP connection location (e.g.: "http://localhost/GeodiDictionary/GeodiDictionary_1ba78c30-32c0-44d3-abd2-e3200003c045.geodiDictionary")

  5. Click on the "OK" button. If the file you specified is found and GEODI supports its extension, proceed to step 2.

  6. Enter the dictionary name and make other optional settings and click "Next >>". If the dictionary name has been entered, proceed to step 3.

  7. Optionally change the settings and click on the "Close" button. Some dictionaries generated from the file may require column name matching (which field will be used as a word, etc.), in this case a warning message will appear before closing. After the necessary settings are made, the screen can be closed.

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