Active-Passive and Active-Active configuration

Active-Passive and Active-Active configuration

On this page we will explain how GEODI Server will work in a redundant structure.

Aktif-Pasif Configuration

  • You will need 2 servers and 2 GEODI licenses for Active-Passive configuration. Both servers' settings and indexes must be identical. (We will refer to them as Active-GEODI and Passive-GEODI)

  • For GDEs and/or Classification Agents running based on the GEODI Server to operate uninterrupted, DNS records must be adjusted during the transition. In other words, after the transition, the Active-GEODI address should become Passive-GEODI. Therefore, the IP option should not be used in the settings.

  • Active and Passive GEODI configurations, project settings, versions, and modules must be identical. Settings may only be valid on the relevant machine according to the GEODI Privacy settings. This should be taken into account during synchronization.

  • The Token used for GDEs and/or Classification agents must be the same. Active and Passive GEODIs should use the same LDAP users. The TOKEN obtained for the same user will be the same.

  • Active and Passive GEODIs can work on the same indexes and/or copies. Source addresses, UNCPaths must be the same on both servers. For this purpose, network access addresses should be the same if there are directories mapped with drive names using commands like net use or subst.

  • Transition from Active to Passive .. rem copies the contents of the Index file of the following DCC Active GEODI to the given directory. start d.BackupIndex("BACKUP_TARGET_DIRECTORY","WS_NAME") rem GEODI environment and settings to work in Disaster Environment must be synchronized. rem if you want, you can also do this here. rem copy GEODI environment ... rem Bu işlemi otomatik veya manue

You can do Index Backup and Recoveryarchived.

rem If it will be manual, the necessary arrangement should be made in the script.

rem change-DNS-record

rem ready to activate passive geodi

rem from now on changes will be on the passive (such as adding a new document),

rem when switching back to active, you must reverse these actions.

rem Activate-Passive-GEODI


Active-Active Configuration

  • In GEODI, Active-Active configuration is used for our Classifier solution. You can configure and load balance over NLB (Network Load Balancer) devices. You can use it according to the desired settings in the management of NLB devices. In order to use this method, certain conditions must be met in your GEODIs.

  1. GEODI Versions

  2. GEODI Module Versions

  3. The TOKEN user to be used in the installation

    1. User name

    2. Password

  4. On Project

    1. Project Names

    2. Project settings (Classification rules/classes)

You can use Active-Active Configuration for our Classification solution when the above items are same in GEODIs.

Example Active-Active Architecture:

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