Geodi ContentObject - Content Definition Object

You can use this object to provide more detailed content to Geodi Data Extraction API (Formatter) and Geodi Feed Api (FeedHandler) services.

With the definitions to be sent, privileges, special display name, special display address of the content, path, url or whole content (byte []) from which the content will be transmitted can be forwarded to the service.

 All properties of objects can be accessed via Geodi using Single Content - ContentObject  and Multiple Content - IntegrationObject  addresses.

Single Content

			ContentURL : '',
			ViewURL : '',
			Thumbnail : '',
			MetaData :  [ { Name:'',  GType:'', Value: null, DDoubleValue:double , DText:'', DAttributes: {Key:Value,Key:Value} } ],
			Content : {
				Extension: '',
				Content : '',
				CurrentSections :[{TableName:'',ColumnName:'',Section:0, SectionGroupID:'',Attributes : {Key:Value,Key:Value}}],
				Properties :[{TableName:'',ColumnName:'',Section:0, SectionGroupID:'',Attributes : {Key:Value,Key:Value}}],
				Splitters :  [
								Splitters : []
									{GType:'', Value: null, DDoubleValue:double , DText:'', DAttributes: {Key:Value,Key:Value} }
			Permission : {

  • Mode (int - Optional) : It is the information of the transaction. Values 0 (Default): Added, Changed 1: Deleted, 2: Only Authorization Change
  • ContentURL (string) :  It is the path of content. Must be unique, show content. The path to the file on the URL or Disk can be exported.
  • DisplayName(string) : The name of the image to be displayed in the search result.
  • ContentDate (GMT string - Optional): Content Date
  • ViewURL (string- Optional) : The display address of the content. If not specified, GEODI shows the content without resorting to the application with the viewer. When specified, directs the user to this URL to access the content. The scanned document and the opened document are different. The following definitions are available within the URL
    • {wsName} : Project name defined on GEODI.
    • {unc} : Content.Content_Id value passed during feed
    • {viewParam} : Document opening parameters sent to GEODI Viewer.
    • {user} : Aktif kullanıcı. ( As this is a redirect process it will work with GET. The user can modify the browser. This value should not be relied upon, and its own user authentication mechanisms should be used by the application. )
    • Example usage : ViewURL:".../MyViewer.aspx?ID={unc}&wsName={wsName}"
  • Thumbnail  (string - Optional): This is the preview image you want to show in the search results. With base64: ... you can return the image or the image path directly.
  • FastViewHTML (string - Optional): If specified, the search result is displayed with the content.
  • TextURL (string - Optional) :  If it is defined and does not return a blank result it is used to retrieve the text content of the document. If the result returns, ContentURL is not called.
  • TextData (string[] - Optional): Additional text information can be transmitted. OCR or searchable text content obtained in different ways is expected. Each element in the array must correspond to one page. If paging is not known, only 1 element should be sent, and all text to be transmitted must contain data. Unlike the TextURL property, passed values are appended to the content. (Processed as ContentURL + TextData or TextURL + TextData)

  • MetaData (object array- Optional) : Key / Value values are reflected in the search results.  Does not need to be specified separately in content.
    • Name (string): Metadata key name
    • Value : Metadata key value
    • GType (string-Optional): Value <Type> can take Type values. For Type, System.TypeCode, Geom values are available. The default value is String
    • DDoubleValue (advanced- Optional): Value is the normalized value for values of type <Type>.
    • DText (advanced- Optional): Values of type <Type> are string values.
    • DAttributes (advanced- Optional):: Value is additional information for values of type <Type>. By adding values such as KM, Parcel, Name to the ItemType value, it can be ensured that this value is accepted as a kmi name or parcel.
  • Content (object - Optional) : If specified, content transmitted without returning to ContentURL is used.
    • Extension (string): Content extension. Values such as .pdf, .zip, .rar, .dwg can be used. The .form value can be used if a form's content is passed.
    • Content (Optional): The base64 format can be given byte [] content or directly in plain text. ContentUrl is only used as id.
    • ContentForcedBytes(Optional) :  content can be given in bytes []. Content.Content is ignored if defined. ContentUrl is only used as id.
    • CurrentSections (advanced- section - Optional):  Contains section information of splitters as an array. Information used to return to content. (On what page, in which cell)
    • Properties (advanced- section - Optional):  Contains additional information of splitters as an array. Contains finalization information for Recognizers. Special operations are performed for the contents in the parcel, first name, last name column or layer. (In which table, in which layer, in which column)
    • Splitters (advanced- Optional): Values are fragmented from the content. It can be lines, paragraphs, pages. string, string [], object [] SpliterType values can be used. Each type contains different features. The GType value in the spliter is the same as in MetaData.
  • Permission (object- Optional): It has the same features as Root Permission. Used to define customized privileges on file basis. It works with Permission on the root.

Multiple Content

	Permission : {
	Contents : [ ContentObject,  ContentObject , ... ]
    • PageCount (int - Optional): With more than the number of content that will return as a result of a service, the application can reduce resource usage by returning the number of pages in the first GetContents request. server status can determine the size of the content that will return with the service and the internal authorization mechanism. You can return all at once or send them on a page-by-page basis.
    • ChangeKey (string): The value to be passed to the application as ChangeKey on the next scheduled scan.
    • Permission (object- Optional): If specified, document-specific viewing privileges are used. GEODI does not provide the ability to modify, edit or delete content in the data obtained with the service. All contents returned by Contents in this service call will have these privileges. When authorization is used, it should return to the GetContent list of documents affected by authorization changes. Mode: 2 should be set only if it is known that the privileges have changed.
        • Permit (string array- Optional): Allowed user / role / group list.
        • Deny (string array- Optional): Prohibited list of users / roles / groups.
    • Contents (object array): Content object array