Geodi Query API - Document Summary Query

Generating a Geodi Token is needed. If you are preparing an end-user interface, Displaying search results with templates page will be more useful.

(!) QueryHandler.GetSummaries is a simplified service. With the getDocumentSummaries api, you can take advantage of more features, and  with GetSummaryType in the query parameter you can set the summary text length.
DefinitionReturns summaries of locations that match the query from within a particular workspace.


  • wsName(string): Name of the workspace to search inside
  • q(string): Query text
  • StartIndex(int - Optional): The Index which the query results will start.(limit 0)
  • EndIndex(int - Optional): The Index which the query results will end.(limit 0)
  • options(Optional): Additional parameters to change the query result
    • ContentIDFilter(int[] - Optional): Filters the content from which to query.
    • Envelope([LonMin(int),LatMin(int),LonMax(int),LatMax(int)] - Optional): Returns the words within the boundaries of the given BBOX geometry.
    • LayerIdFilter(int[] - Optional): Filters the words according to the IDs of the recognizers that recognize these words.
    • KeywordIdFilter(int[] - Optional): Filters words by IDs
HttpMethodGET, POST
Expected Errors

401 Unauthorized access / Access denied

403 Forbidden

511 Network Authentication Required

501 Server Error

Resulting value
		"ContentID": 1,
			"SummaryID": "",
			"Text": ""
    • ContentID: Id of the content

    • Summary: Documents summary information

      • SummaryID: Summary Id
      • Text: Summary text
//Request : [GEODIURL]/QueryHandler?op=GetSummaries&wsName=PROJECT&q=ankara&startIndex=0&endIndex=1
		"ContentID": 2,
			"SummaryID": "FTS_0_123_4567_8",
			"Text": "... ankara ..."
//Request : [GEODIURL]/QueryHandler?op=GetSummaries&wsName=PROJECT&q=ankara&startIndex=0&endIndex=1&options={"ContentIDFilter":[3]}
		"ContentID": 3,
			"SummaryID": "FTS_0_123_4567_8",
			"Text": "... ankara ..."
		"ContentID": 3,
			"SummaryID": "FTS_9_876_5432_1",
			"Text": "... ankara ..."

Example applications