Mobil app, MOBIDI, Setup


MOBIDI app is available in Apple and Android markets. Users may download this application manually, but we recommend using the SMS method described on the page.

MOBIDI is suitable for BYOD (Bring your device) model. In this model, users use their own devices. This model has many advantages for both the company and the employees. MOBIDI is compatible with most of the widely used phones. Please check page current status.


Registering Tablets or Devices with no GSM capability.

Open up Mobile users page in Mobidi Office. Click on “+” icon on the top right. Choose “Tablet/Other” option from the screen that pops up. Then open up MOBIDI mobile application and click on three dots on the top to open the menu. Click on License from that menu. You will notice the expression of “MOBIDI-FREE” under the heading of Active License. Copy the 32 digits number under the “Device” headline and paste that to “DeviceID” spot on the Mobidi Office side. Fill the blanks that asked you to be filled and click to save button. Click on Refresh button on the MOBIDI License screen and you will see that rather that MOBIDI-FREE expression there will be “MOBIDI”. Kudos, now you are a licensed user.

Mobil Application Interface

Each user will see the forms you have authorized to see them. This is done by using groups. It is very easy to add data to each form and users should need no more action. The data will be sync automatically.

The form designer will show you a very close view of the mobile app. To access form designer . The banner, form names, field names and icons are things that mobile user will see every day. So we suggest you spend some time on those issues to make it look good.

You can limit which network to use when syncing the data. You can use options such as sending data up to 3MB over 3G, and the use of Wi-Fi afterwards. If you wish, it is also possible to set Wi-Fi only usage.

The records are sent as soon as the network is available. But they continue to be on the device during a preset time. The default is 10 days and is usually sufficient. The user can edit the missing records (such as adding to the photo, correcting incorrect data, etc.) in this period.
