How to create a new form, how to modify forms?

How to create a new form, how to modify forms?

A FORM is the main component where mobile and office users enter data. FOMS have various FIELDS for data. The fields have a type like Text, number or date. The full list is below.

You can have more than one FORM. Each form will serve a different need. I.e. CLEANING form for cleaning staff and MAINTENANCE form for the maintenance team.

On the edit settings page there are settings such as banner or 3G usage rules. The banner belongs to your organization and can be seen in all mobile applications. 3G usage rules define how mobile data is sent to the server. There are more settings on this page.

You have probably started choosing a project. You can go adding a new form or modifying an existing one before going into the details of a new project.



To create a form or edit an existing one, first click Forms from the left menu.

After this stage, the interface will guide you. You will see how your definitions will appear in the Mobile interface. You use the + to add and the edit options in the corresponding row to edit. The software will mark the options available to you.

You save the changes with Save at Bottom Right. If you want to cancel, you cancel with the upper right X.

You will see project various values for the project on this page. Description, Icons, Help Videos and more.



New Form/Modify Form

Use + to create a new form, or use edit in the respective form to modify. Watch on the left side because It is very similar to Mobile App hence what mobile user sees.

Here you set name, description, icon, style, permissions and form fields.

New Record Behavior

You can determine how your form opens when “New Record”. You may start with field view or start with taking a photograph. This choice depending on the user profile may shorten the time spent on the field. A site manager may want to start with a photo or video, but a market manager may want to enter values.



Form Caption

If the automatically generated by default is not enough, you can use it to make the Records appear more meaningful in the Report, analysis and mobile software.

From the list of fields, you select the fields you want to appear in the title. These fields are contained within []. If you wish, you can completely control the view of additional information you will put in between, one after the other.


Smart Assignment Condition

The smart posting rule determines when and under what conditions task recordings are sent to users. For details Smart Assignments

Field Types

MOBIDI Office enables to use of various field types in both mobile and office. You may limit visibility of some fields to Office only. You may also set some fields to read-only means non-editable.

Location is default and the most important feature of any form.

Field Type


Usage Examples

Field Type


Usage Examples


The GPS of the device is the location source. The record and the photographs may have different location information depending of the field activity. MOBIDI also keeps waypoints, that is the coordinates if the device is moving during a record.

You can depend on the location and time stamps of MOBIDI, we have protected them against any tampering.

Location is default


Creation Date/Time and User

Creation and modification date and the mobile user is the default for each record. Use the field types below depending on your needs.



If you define additional fields in a FORM, the user can add as many photos as they want. You can make notes and draw on these photos depending on your descriptions.

MOBIDI knows the direction of the photos taken. For example, you can photograph a building from 2 different sides and see it on the map.

You can make attachments mandatory and make sure that the teams take some photos.

Thanks to the GEODI connection, it is possible to photograph the documents and then make them searchable with the OCR process. GEODI Integration


A picture is worth a thousand words. You can use it in many areas such as document before starting work, document the result at the end of the job, document to tell more easily in a failure request, or document in a lock place in a security application.


You can shoot video. The mobile user can navigate during the Video. The points he travels are recorded in MOBIDI. You can also see these points on the map.

It provides great convenience in site control, market place control for the police and other purposes.


Audio can also be recorded with minimal effort like video. Thus, instead of wasting time writing, you can choose to record with audio recording. These recordings can be played by Office users.

Sound recording can also be used for situations such as malfunction. You can learn what is meant by "This machine is making sound" with sound recording.

Smart Assignments

The Smart Assignment area is a task that performs many tasks at the same time and facilitates assignment and follow-up.

For usage details Smart Assignments




With drawing, mobile users can draw. This drawing could be a location sketch, a wiring diagram, or something else.

Let us remind you that you can also draw on photographs with MOBIDI.



With mobile signature, mobile teams can collect wet signatures.

How to capture a wet-ink signature on Mobile Device


You can enter any single line of text in this field. If very long text is required, you should use the Memo field.

You can read single or multiple BarCode and QRCode in the text field.

Barcode and QRCode Reading



You should use it in texts that require very long or many lines.

You can read single or multiple BarCode and QRCode in the text field.

Barcode and QRCode Reading



You use it to select a date.


Select List

Select list guide user to select out of predefined values. Like yes/no, bad/good/ugly, or a part list or a customer list or an ATM list.

Long lists are difficult yo use. MOBIDI has a search option for the field, or you may use a dynamic list.

With list are dynamics properties of forms you design. A part list, customers list or approval states may all be a list. The list’s content can be added/modified by an authorized user w/o going into changing the form elements. This allows you to design more generic forms and it is good for everyone.

Lists may have location info. MOBIDI App may choose the closest ones to limit the number of choices. When you have thousands of ATM points or customer or place to serve this feature is a great time saver. And also prevent many intolerable mistakes.

Lists and Advantages

Radio Button

Radio buttons are to the Select lists with all options are visible. Therefore radios are good for around 5 or less items. You can also make radio button lists dynamic.

Lists and Advantages


A checkbox has 2 states, True/false.

You can use grouping to create a checklist. Checklists save mobile space and offer a practical way to controls at the field.

You may use checkboxes for approval chains. Or yo capture states like, “door is open”, “Part changed”.



Any number is entered with the number.

Phone number

You can use it to enter phone numbers more easily.



You can enter Web Addresses more easily.

Hidden field

The hidden field only allows you to leave a space in your form. It has no effect on data entry.



It allows you to enter e-mails more easily.

Attachments: File

If there are different documents, you can add them to the recording. This feature can only be used on the Office side.


Calculated Fields

In some cases it will be more practical to automatically generate the data from the location rather than enter it. You do not need to enter information that can be accurately calculated from the location such as which province-district we are in, which street we are on, or which region we are in. MOBIDI and MOBIDI Ofis generates this information for you and allows you to use it in components such as reports / panels.







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