How do we use the map?

How do we use the map?

You typically see GEODI with the motto Search-Discover-Classify-Mask. Data discovery generally comes into focus with regulations like PDPL or PCI/DSS. However, GEODI offers much more than just the data discovery needed for regulations. Mapping is one of these features.

Some sectors may question the relevance of maps, but in reality, about 80% of our lives are somehow connected to location and maps. Upon reflection, we can see that maps have many benefits.

GEODI makes map creation completely automatic and cost-free, thereby opening up more opportunities to benefit from maps.

For municipalities, construction companies, architectural offices, planning units, project offices, and real estate departments, the use of maps is clear and essential. These units often utilize GIS software. GEODI enhances their capabilities by incorporating non-structural data, providing significant benefits.

For those in Digital Forensics, the situation is different. They seek to identify locations within data, such as where photos were taken or mentioned addresses. GEODI meets these needs with its capabilities. Moreover, there's no additional cost for maps, as they are automatically generated using artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Maps pave the way for further analyses like relationships, heat maps, and various other insights.

SMEs often face resource constraints when processing data. Employing a data analyst isn't straightforward. A map can reveal a lot about your suppliers, customers, service points, or stores.

Maintaining maps or GIS systems entails costs. Qualified operators are often needed for data entry and other tasks. With GEODI, the cost is zero. It complements features like maps, search, and discovery capabilities.

Example Project

We have a live project called AnkaPedia on our website's live projects link. In this project, we utilized open-source data related to Ankara. The map below has been generated entirely automatically from sources such as PDFs, Word documents, Excel sheets, DWG files, NCZ files, databases, videos, social media, and more. The best part of the job is precisely this: the map tells you a lot about your data, and with GEODI, there are no additional costs.

The data we used here could have been from your institution's archives, invoices, contracts, projects, eBYS data, CRM, or ERP databases.

Another example from our English website is the Map of World News project, which includes a heat map of approximately 100 news sites. You can query and obtain its map based on topics like Covid or the Ukraine conflict.

Which Data?

GEODI covers over 200 data sources, ensuring no digital data is left out. It processes scanned documents via OCR and includes databases, Word documents, Excel files, Open Office files, emails, UYAP files, videos, and images.

This means your invoices, reports, proposal files, project documents, specifications, contracts, and more can all be processed by GEODI without any exclusions. It's also possible to add new sources that are not currently listed.

GEODI Data Sources - GEODI - SUPPORT (decesoftware.com)

What's on the Map?

The information displayed on the map can vary depending on your purpose:

  1. Parcels for municipalities,

  2. Addresses of your customers,

  3. Your construction sites,

  4. Locations of the companies you receive services from,

  5. City or district names from a report.

All or some of these pieces of information can be represented on the map.

Locations Related to a Given Keyword

If you want to see locations where you export goods, simply type "Export" into the GEODI search box, and it will show you locations mentioned in documents containing the word "Export". However, if you're specifically interested in locations truly related to exports, you should use "Export()" instead. Experience the miraculous results of using parentheses to refine your search!

The query will yield locations directly associated with exports. For deeper insights, quickly switch to the Heat Map and visualize the results.

I have company addresses or construction site locations.

Great! You can turn this information into a dictionary in just minutes. Once it's a dictionary, GEODI will map out the documents, emails, or database records for you.

It's that simple.

If you're using a different GIS software

No problem at all. GEODI can be used alongside ArcGIS, GeoServer, or other software.

It's designed for this purpose and supports international standards like WMS.

Additionally, there's a widget specifically for ArcGIS Enterprise.


Hope this helps.

Get in touch with us; let's schedule a presentation.

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