Module:GEODI Pro
Module:GEODI Pro
GEODI Pro module provides database indexing capability and canonical expression recognizer. Mandatory for Discovery.
Scope of Training
For GEODI Users
How database records look like
Project to be used: https://servis2.dece.com.tr/?wsName=1013-TR-Ki%C5%9Fisel%20Veri%20Ke%C5%9Ffi&Tab=DLV&f=s.1795690074
This project also includes unstructured data
How to do a fieldindex search.
For GEODI Admins
Section 1 - Databases
What is a Database Source and how to connect it Source:Databases
Section 2 - Regular and End Expression Recognizers
What are regular expression / End expression recognizers? How do we add our own recognizer?
Section 3 - Executive Reports
GEODI report features become active. Incoming reports or reports that you will prepare later can be used in GEODI.
Section 4 - KLV (Words) tab