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On this page, you will find the setup link, requirements, settings , and the path you will steps to follow for the commissioning phasesdeployment.

Privacy Issues

GEODI is designed to make it easier for you to access and explore your data repository. To do this, GEODI needs access to the data. You can find your questions about the security and privacy of your data during the setup stages at GEODI Privacy Issues

Before Installation

Before Installation






Table of Contents







  1. Download the setup


GEODI Setup in Default Mode

Please consult for non-internet environments.


License Activation


  1. Before setup, you must specify an e-mail address to which the License will be linked and provide it to DECE sales or technical teams. You will receive an e-mail with the license key once your license is created.

  2. You must enter an e-mail address set when GEODI default mode is activated. Then you continue by entering the license code sent to your e-mail. GEODI Modules included in your License will be automatically downloaded and installed.


Setup of Modules


After activating your License, the modules will be downloaded and installed automatically. You should make settings after setup. Please ask for support from DECE teams for modules not included in these pages.


Public Address / SSL Identification


A public address is needed for users to access the GEODI server. An SSL-certified FQDN is recommended for secure access. Our users use addresses like or After the public address definition and SSL certificate setup on the server, GEODI Configuration should be done as follows.

For SystemSettings.json setting

Code Block
"SSLLocalCertificateSerial":"<Certificate serial no>"


System Configuration / Security Settings


Authorizations and LDAP settings


Procedures should be taken to create users and determine authorizations and groups.

GEODI User/Authorization Management


GEODI Windows Service Setup


Windows service setup is optional after default mode. All settings you created in default mode are valid.

GEODI Setup as a Windows Service


Backup and Redundancy


Only index backup and redundant operation is possible.

Index Backup and Recovery from Backup

Active-Passive and Active-Active configuration


Creating the Project, Connecting Resources


To perform operations such as indexing, data discovery and classification in GEODI, a Project must first be created. Data sources, authorizations, and rules are defined on the project wizard.

GEODI Project Wizard

Source: Folder

Source: Email

Source: Cloud Servers, FTP, SharePoint

Source: MOBIDI Data

It is possible to customize some appearance and content in the GEODI user interface. You can remove and add GEODI data display options (Content, Map, Calendar, etc), and it is also possible to use different themes.

Design your own GEODI


If OCR License is available


OCR is a CPU intensive and time consuming function. OCR settings may effect the time and the results.

  • GEODI OCR Engine OCRs scanned documents in default mode and present them with GEODI. Due to OCR capabilities you can search and find scanned documents.

  • It can also output scanned pages as SPDF (Searchable PDF). The SPDF option can extend the time from x3 to x5 compared to the default mode. It also requires additional disk space for SPDF files.

  • GEODI OCR can also OCR huge scanned images such as A0, and A1 maps. This option is turned off in the default mode.

  • If you have a GEODI 360 license, you can also OCR videos. In this case, you have to allocate much higher CPU resources.


If Enterprise Search License is available


Having an Enterprise Search license technically means that there will be more users. To provide uninterrupted service to users, index backup must be set.

Enterprise Search means consolidated search. So try to connect all sources in one project and set permissions to manage access.

Different departments need different data access needs. GEODI Enterprise Search solution provides access to all of them from a single platform.

For trainings : GEODI Courses


If Data Discovery License is Available


You will connect a large number of sources for data discovery. If enterprise search is not included, it will be available to a limited number of users. Depending on your purpose (PII Discovery, Sensitive Data Discovery, Finance Data Discovery or PCI/DSS), the selection of sources and recognizers determines the success of the result.

The discovery panel will provide information about the results from the first moment of indexing. This panel may be shared live or as a PDF.

The discovery panel will show the risks and incompatibilities. According to the results of this panel, you can carry out Destruction and Quarantine procedures after Indexing.


If Geographic Archive License is Available


The Geo Archive application is a use case of GEODI Enterprise Search.

For a municipality, road administration, or an organization that produces geographic data, it is recommended to have at least one of the LandParcel Recognizer, Station Number Recognizer, or GeoArchive module. The DECE team will provide the necessary support to set these modules.


If GDE License is Available


The GEODI endpoint or PC discovery tool is called GEODI Desktop Explorer, or GDE for short. GDE can be installed on multiple PCs. GDEs will feed selected local drectories and file types to GEODI Server. If you set “backup” option, all local files will also be stored in a central storage.

The procedures for GDE setup and deployment of agents to the endpoints are on the following page.

GEODI Desktop Explorer(GDE) Setup


If Classification License is available


GEODI Classification solution consists of several components. The procedures for setup and deployment of agents are on the following pages.

GEODI Desktop and Office Classifier Installation and Configuration

GEODI OWA Classifier Installation and Configuration


Frequently Asked Questions


We have answered the problems and solutions you may encounter during setup or other processes as much as possible on the attached page. DECE teams will provide support for the answers you cannot find.


System Configuration and Security Settings

The SystemSettings.json file in C:\Program Files\Dece Software\GEODI\ içerisinde contains the settings. The most commonly used settings are here. Please refer to GEODI Privacy Issues for all keys.


Setting Name











AppData folder








Use this settings if you want to store WorkSpace, Log, Index, Dictionaries, and All metadata other then the default place(%appdata%/dece..).










It is used to determine the port to be used by the WebServer launched via GEODI.exe.

If it is set to 80, there is no need to write a port on the client side. If SSL certificate is set, there is no need to write a port on the client side when using SSL port 443.










It is used to activate SSL with a valid certificate installed under Computer Certificates. It is an alternative to specifying a certificate file with SSL certificate.










Allows error details to be displayed in case of Web request errors. By default, details are not displayed.










Provides logging of additional details of Scan and System initialization errors.

Related Pages


  1. and run.

  2. The installation will prompt for your license code, and with a valid license code, the modules included in your license will be installed automatically.

  3. After GEODI is installed, the GEODI management interface will be accessible in your browser at

  4. The GEODI server should be accessible to clients running the agents, if any. For this purpose, DNS and SSL configurations should be made.

  5. You should create a Windows Service for continuous operation. GEODI Setup as a Windows Service

  6. Congratulations. You have successfully installed the GEODI. Now it is time to download templates from DECE-STORE that are ready for your needs(GDPR, Classification, and more).


The Frequently Asked Questions page provides issues and solutions you might encounter during installation or other processes.

Support Q - FAQ and Tech News



We constantly update the software because we value quality and user experience. For a GEODI update, running the "update.bat" command that comes with the installation as an administrator is sufficient. You run the command and leave it. All necessary operations will be performed on a running system.

GEODI modules get updates more frequently than the main GEODI version. To update only modules you may run UpdateModules.bat çalıştırabilirsiniz.

GEODI AppDataFolder

GEODI stores workspace definitions, indexes, logs, and other data in the %appdata% folder, which is created automatically during installation.

You need to set up a new folder if the install and Windows service users are different. Otherwise, the service cannot access the license and other information.

Change the AppDataFolder value in the SystemSettings.json file.

You may use this method if there is insufficient space in the default %appdata% folders.

  1. GEODI must be closed during these changes.

  2. If there are previous %appdata% folders, you may MOVE them to the new location. After MOVE, you should also change the folders' read/write permissions for Windows service users' access.

  3. This action will ensure that the license and other settings remain intact.

Defining SSL

For Classification and Agent PC Discovery projects, the GEODI address must be secure and accessible to clients. You must make the following settings in GEODI for the SSL Certificate. For details, refer to the page. Definitions must be made before agent deployments.

SSL definitions are made in the SystemSettings.json file in the GEODI installation directory.




To obtain the certificate serial number: Open the Manage User Certificates application. You can get the Certificate Serial Number from the properties/details tab of the relevant certificate under the Personal tree. If you have a *pfx file, you must first install it by double-clicking on the file.


Load Balancer Case: In cases where certificates are managed with a load balancer, you do not need to make any additional definitions on the GEODI side.

Offline Installation

GEODI downloads the modules from DECE-STORE by default. You should change the update address if the server cannot access DECE-STORE.

  1. DECE teams will provide *.GeodiModuleX files, and you should put them in the <geodifolder>/LocalDECESTORE folder. DECE teams will update you with new files when they are available.

  2. Then, the ModuleStoreFolder value in SystemSettings.json should be set to <geodifolder>/LocalDECESTORE.

(info) The new GEODI setup can be downloaded and installed as usual.

License Update

Run LicenseUpdate.bat to open the dialog.

If you need to move the GEODI to another machine, you should deactivate the license and then reactivate it on the new machine.

You should also apply the new license keys on the same dialog.

(info) You do not need to stop the service.