Manually Licencing MOBIDI

Manually Licencing MOBIDI

Mobile users license MOBIDI by following a link in an SMS. This page is about licensing MOBIDI when SMS is not a choice. Manually licensing is only required when:

  • The SMS may somehow not work due to GSM operator issues.

  • In some cases, you may need to license a group.


  1. Download MOBIDI App from Google Play or Apple Store.

  2. Open the app, tap menu and chose “Connect To MOBIDI Office”.

  3. Tap “By Code” or “By Phone”

    1. “By Code” licenses the MOBIDI by Server Code. All users in a group may use the same code.

    2. Paste the code into the “MOBIDI Office Code” text box. This code is on the MOBIDI Office/Settings/User Settings/License area and may be obtained from the system admin.

    3. “By Phone” users should give the correct phone number uses in the MOBIDI office.

  4. Tap Continue, fill the form (name, surname) and continue

  5. Congratulations.

The device needs to be connected to the internet.