Security of usernames and passwords required for resources
When adding resources you may need a username, password or other information. This information is stored in the GEODI Project (Workspace) and other settings.
With the GEODI security level setting, the GEODI Workspace and other settings containing sensitive data are stored encrypted. The appropriate encryption level ensures that the project is only valid on the relevant machine and that the information in it is not visible in any way.
The default security level setting is that your files only work on the respective server.
geodiadmin user
A default password is set for the geodiadmin user. We recommend that you do not routinely use the geodiadmin user at all or that only one user uses it. It is possible to create the necessary permissions for other administrators.
GEODI logs queries and other actions. These logs are generally in csv format and can be monitored/analyzed with many SIEM tools.
Leakage Risks
GEODI is continuously tested against leakage risks. Many of our users in the Defense Industry, Security, Finance sector routinely conduct their own tests.