There are some form elements like a select list or a radio button that uses predefined lists. When these lists are a part of the form they are static or only changeable by modifying the form. The concept of Lists makes them dynamic and allows to change the list items by Office users.
Lists may have location info. MOBIDI App may choose the closest ones to limit the number of choices. When you have thousands of ATM points or customer or place to serve this feature is a great time saver. And also prevent many intolerable mistakes.
Lists are accessible from the main menu lists page.
Creating a List
Open Lists page
Use + to create a new
Give a name and template and choose Geometric Template if your list has geometry.
In the last page make your entries o import from another source.
Import Dialog
You can import from Excel, ç..???
Kemal Ünal (Unlicensed) QQ buradaki dosya seçimi uzantı içermiyor(excel şu bu, bir atlama olabilşr mi*), Listeyi bir üst satıra yazalım, ayrıca keyword hangi koloandan gelecek fialn gibi bilgiler gerekiyor.
İmport edilen dosya tarihi değişirse işlem otomatik olacaktır (doğru mu?), doğru değilse silebilirsin. Gereken bir özellik olarak yazmıyorum.
Using the List
You should use your list in your form elements(select or radio). After doing that you will not modify your form if list items are changed.
When a List modified
Whether a new item added, or an old item changed MOBIDI Office will update mobile user which use the affected forms. You already now how to update mobile users using Project menu on the main menu.
You should not delete list items (Kemal Ünal (Unlicensed) QQ arayüzde silme konulmuş, doğrulayalım), silinirse ne olur. Sıra değişirse ne olur.