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Returns the list of documents matching the search result. Allows users to search from documents within GEODI Workspace.



  • wsName(string): Name of the workspace to search inside

  • q(string): Query text

  • StartIndex(int - Optional): The Index which the query results will start.(limit 0)

  • EndIndex(int - Optional): The Index which the query results will end.(limit 0)

  • options(Optional): Additional parameters to change the query result

    • ContentIDFilter(int[] - Optional): Filters the content from which to query.

    • Envelope([LonMin(int),LatMin(int),LonMax(int),LatMax(int)] - Optional): Returns the words within the boundaries of the given BBOX geometry.

    • LayerIdFilter(int[] - Optional): Filters the words according to the IDs of the recognizers that recognize these words.

    • KeywordIdFilter(int[] - Optional): Filters words by IDs

    • CalculateCounts(true/false - Optional): If true, the NumberOfOccurences field is calculated in the result returned from the query.

    • SummaryFill(true/false - Optional): If true, it returns summary information in the Summary field in the results returned from the query.



Expected Errors

401 Unauthorized access / Access denied

403 Forbidden

511 Network Authentication Required

501 Server Error

Return Value

Code Block
			"DisplayName": "",
			"EnumeratorID": 0,
			"ContentType": "",
			"HasViewer": true,
			"DisableDownload": true,
			"HasNote": true
			"SummaryID": "",
			"Text": ""
			"FolderCanBeShown": "1",
			"PDisplayName": "",
			"PId": "1"
		NumberOfOccurences: 1
  • Code Block
    ContentID: ID of the content.
  • Content: Content information.

    • DisplayName: The display name of the content. (Filename, etc.)

    • EnumeratorID: The name of the enumerator that provides the content.

    • ContentType: The type of content, extension.

    • HasViewer: Whether the content has a viewer or not

    • DisableDownload: Whether the content is prevented from downloading by the user or not

    • HasNote: Whether the content has a note or not

  • Summary: Document summary information. Returns if SummaryFill field in options is true

    • SummaryID: Id of the summary

    • Text: Summary text

  • Attributes: Extra information about the content

    • FolderCanBeShown:

    • PDisplayName: If parent content exists, the display name of that content.

    • PId: If parent content exists, the ID of that content.

    • PcontentType: Parent content exists, type of content

  • NumberOfOccurences: How many times the word has occurred.


Code Block
//Request : [GEODIURL]/QueryHandler?op=Query&wsName=PROJE&q=ankara,&StartIndex=0&EndIndex=1
			"DisplayName": "1234.doc",
			"EnumeratorID": -1324,
			"ContentType": ".doc",
			"HasViewer": true,
			"DisableDownload": false,
			"HasNote": false

Code Block
//Request : [GEODIURL]/QueryHandler?op=Query&wsName=PROJE&q=ankara,&StartIndex=0&EndIndex=3

			"DisplayName": "1234.doc",
			"EnumeratorID": -1324,
			"ContentType": ".doc",
			"HasViewer": true,
			"DisableDownload": false,
			"HasNote": false

			"DisplayName": "5678.xls",
			"EnumeratorID": -1324,
			"ContentType": ".xls",
			"HasViewer": true,
			"DisableDownload": false,
			"HasNote": false

			"DisplayName": "90.pdf",
			"EnumeratorID": -1324,
			"ContentType": ".pdf",
			"HasViewer": true,
			"DisableDownload": false,
			"HasNote": false

Code Block
//Request : [GEODIURL]/QueryHandler?op=Query&wsName=PROJE&q=ankara,&StartIndex=0&EndIndex=1&options={"SummaryFill":true}
			"DisplayName": "1234.doc",
			"EnumeratorID": -1324,
			"ContentType": ".doc",
			"HasViewer": true,
			"DisableDownload": false,
			"HasNote": false
			"SummaryID": "FTS_0_123_4567_8"
			"Text": ... ankara ...

Code Block
//Request : [GEODIURL]/QueryHandler?op=Query&wsName=PROJE&q=ankara,&StartIndex=0&EndIndex=1&options={"CalculateCounts":true}
			"DisplayName": "1234.doc",
			"EnumeratorID": -1324,
			"ContentType": ".doc",
			"HasViewer": true,
			"DisableDownload": false,
			"HasNote": false
		NumberOfOccurentces: 3

Exmple applications
