If the shape file projections are missing or incorrect, you may experience problems in reading, viewing and using the file as a dictionary. In case of a projection problem you need to edit or recreate the PRJ file. The projection problem will be displayed directly during operations such as dictionary preparation, during scanning it will be recorded in the scan log file. Example "Missing projection parameter 'latitude_of_origin' It is also not defined as 'latitude_of_center'. Parameter name: parameterNam" is an example of GEODI not recognizing the projection in question. For editing it is necessary to create a Projection WKT using another software that recognizes the projection of the file and modify the PRJ content. You can make use of ArcGIS Netcad https://www.epsg-registry. org/and other resources. If you want us to help, you can also send us the Shape file or PRJ file you are having trouble with. |