This is done inside the project wizard’s last page. Just activate the scheduled İndex and set time.
Scheduled Backup
To Schedule a backup, use the provided template, TimeBackup.jSettings.sample, and Backup.dcc, in the Settings/Notifications/TimeNotifications folder.
The settings back up the project By default, all projects are set to be backed up every day at 03:00.
Rename TimeBackup.jSettings.sample to TimeBackup.jSettings
You need to specify the directory to be backed up in the Index Recovery Options section found in the Advanced Settings of the project.
Rename Backup.dcc.sample → Backup.dcc and edit the workspace values inside it. If there are multiple workspaces, you need to separate each one.
Edit the workspace values in Backup.dcc. The default backup folder is set as "Backup" under %appdata%. If there are multiple Workspaces, you need to separate each one individually.
You can set multiple settings for different periods, projects, etc. Copy the jsettings file and set a new IDBackups are saved in the Backup folder under the Project Workspace directory.
If you wish to modify the backup settings, you can do so in the "Advanced Settings" section of the Project Wizard. However, we recommend making changes only if you have a specific requirement.
Scheduled Report Mail
The provided template is designed to send a Summary report every week on Monday at 09:00 clock. You may change the report or period.
You can set multiple settings for different periods, projects, reports etc. Copy the jsettings file and set a new ID.
Discovery and Automatic Classification
This template is designed to automatically classify each newly received document.
The template, ScheduledClassifier.jsettings.Sample → \Settings\Notifications\Geodi.OnScanEnd\ folder.
[GEODI_TOKEN] can be obtained from
[GEODIURL] should be set to the project's URL address.
[WSNAME] should be set to the project's workspace name.
Summary Report via Email When Discovery is Completed
This template is designed to send an email with a summary report and notification when the discovery process is completed.
ScanEnded.jsettings.sample is located in the
directory.Rename ScanEnded.jsettings.sample to ScanEnded.jsettings.
Replace [TOMAIL] with the recipient's email addresses. Use ";" to separate multiple recipients.