GEODI Evaluates discover the content with 2 methods: Dictionaries and Recognizers.
Dictionaries are predetermined lists of words. The information contained in dictionaries are terms such as "Ankara", "Istanbul", "construction", "purchasing". Synonyms of these words can also be defined in dictionaries.
Recognizers automatically extract some information from the text. For example, information such as Block/Parcel numbers, Kilometers and Email addresses are automatically collected. See GEODI Application Modules for recognizers added with GEODI Standard and other modules.
GEODI Dictionaries can be shared with other GEODI users. This centralizes and simplifies both installation, standardization and development.
Creating a
Dictionaries can be created in several different ways. You can create a dictionary yourself without any tools. Synonyms should be written in a single column and separated by commas.
To share a file-attached dictionary, it is necessary to you must share the ".geodiDictionary" file and the files that this dictionary uses. It is important to note that the ".geodiDictionary" file must be in the same folder as the source files.