GEODI Setup Link
Please consult for non-internet environments.
After running the setup, GEODI starts in default mode and automatically opens a tab in the browser. You can then access the management and query interface by right-clicking on GEODI in the System Bar/System-Tray.
After the default mode setup is complete, you can switch to Windows service or IIS mode. The settings are valid for all.
GEODI 'nin Windows Servis Olarak KurulumuGEODI'nin IIS Servis Olarak Kurulumu Setup as a Windows Service
Port Settings for Default Mode
You can use two methods to change the port.
When running GEODI, you can give the port parameter from the command line. "GEODI.exe port=80"
It can be set permanently with the AppPort value in the System Configuration - Security Settings file.
These methods are also valid for MOBIDI Office.
Detail Settings
Some settings in GEODI are only accessible in default mode and from the server computer. If you need these settings while working in Windows service or IIS mode, you should temporarily use default mode.
You can enter database connection, project detail settings and new license code only in default mode.