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You can set multiple settings for different periods, projects, reports etc. Copy the jsettings file and set a new ID.

Discovery and Automatic Classification

This template is designed to automatically classify each newly received document.

The template, ScheduledClassifier.jsettings.Sample\Settings\Notifications\Geodi.OnScanEnd\ folder.

  1. [GEODI_TOKEN] can be obtained from

  2. [GEODIURL] should be set to the project's URL address.

  3. [WSNAME] should be set to the project's workspace name.

Summary Report via Email When Discovery is Completed

This template is designed to send an email with a summary report and notification when the discovery process is completed.

  1. ScanEnded.jsettings.sample is located in the \Settings\Notifications\Geodi.OnScanEnd\ directory.

  2. Rename ScanEnded.jsettings.sample to ScanEnded.jsettings.

  3. Replace [TOMAIL] with the recipient's email addresses. Use ";" to separate multiple recipients.