GEODI has some standard reports for different purposes. These reports are visible to users and system admins in the "ACC.STDREPORT" group and the system admins.
Please check the Discovery pages for discovery reports.
GEODI Pro license is required for reports.
Report:Content List
Query results are reported in Excel format. All content, except database records, is listed. The report contains information about data sources for local and far (GDE or Feed) content.
Sample Report:
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Report:Content Summaries
Each row in the Content Summaries report is a discovery. Each row has information about the content, the source, the recognizer, and the discovered word, such as a name, an IBAN, or money.
This report is a good source to analyze discoveries by data sources to get a view of conforming and nonconforming sources. It is a detailed report. If you do not need the discoveries but only the discovery type you may use the Content Finding report.
Sample Report:
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