This is the page you will use the most. You access features such as Searches, different views like Map-Calendar, Note-taking, Reports, and Panels from this page.
1 | Just type what you are looking for here. Words and more are possible as search criteria. https://destek.dece.com.tr/geodi/geodi-sorgulari/ |
2 | Search results are displayed in this field. You can scroll up/down with the mouse wheel. The number of content found as a result of the search is shown on the top left. |
3 | When you click on any content, options are listed. You can open the content with Open. The options may change according to the content type. You will also see note taking, copy and similar content here. If you click with ctrl, the content will open in this area. |
4 | Facet field is used to make your queries more practical. |
5 | You can see the search result in different ways, such as explorerdiscovery, calendar, map. We briefly describe each of them below. |
Contents: Lists the files and other contents of the search result. You can scroll through the documents found in the search result with the mouse wheel. | |
Explorerdiscovery: You can navigate through the contents in a windows explorerdiscovery-like structure. In the Explorer Discovery tab, you can see the directories where your content is located and navigate within the directories. | |
Map: You can see the locations in the content on the map. You can click on the map and access the content. | |
Calendar: A calendar is automatically created from the date information in the content. You can click on the calendar to access the documents on the relevant date. | |
Notes: It is a panel where you can watch the notes you have taken and the content you have taken notes on. There may be different panels in your environment. | |
6 | With the 3-dot menu, it will offer options such as language selection, report, view. |
GEODI can display a large amount of content directly without the need for other software. A word document is used here as an example. There are different viewers for DWG, NCZ, Videos, E-mails and other content. Here we will describe the common features for all of them.
1 | You can view your document in the content viewer, scroll up/down with the mouse wheel. ctrl mouse movement enlarges the document. You can take notes anywhere with the right mouse button. |
2 | You can enter many contents in your search criteria. When you open one of them, you can open them one by one without going back. |
3 | In the panel on the right side you can see the words/metadata, notes and copies of the content. Different types of content may have different attachments. |
4 | In this area, options such as downloading if you have authorization, masking if you have a masking license are listed. |
5 | You can search within the open document. |