Use the + on the top left. Please fill all fields to utilize features like Smart Assignments affectİvelly. After that, you should use “Send-SMS” tool to inform mobile users. You may select the target users. The results will be on the user list:
Mobile users that completed the process turns green.
Users that have received the SMS but have not responded yet are red.
Users that you have not sent the SMS are grey.
You can go with green users, and you may send SMS to all remaining
The new user will automatically be included in all groups. You can then remove the unnecessary ones now or after.
The user language will initially be the same as the license language. Once mobile users are registered, phone languages will be used.
Use Tablet choice if the device has only wi-fi, or no GSM capability Please check the Copy of Mobil Uygulama, MOBIDI, Kurulumu page.
Modify User
Double click on the user or use 3dot menu on the grid.
Use either checkboxes or the filter by a caption and use the top left area tools.
Sending an SMS for licensing
You may send and SMS to mobile users to automate mobile app installation process. Select target users and use top-left “Send SMS” tool for this purpose. You can watch the progress on the user list.
New users will be gray
Users that have received the SMS and completed the installation are green.
Users that have received the SMS but have not responded yet are red.
Green users are ready to collect data, you can resend the SMS to the others.
Different user groups may use different forms. Our authorization method does that. There will be a group that corresponds to a form with the same name. You decide which user belongs to which groups hence forms. New users are a member of all groups. You may remove unwanted groups. A user must be a member of at least one group. Otherwise, it can't collect data.