Indexing is what GEODI crawls all data and runs the discovery. GEODI creates brief information about the data and uses this brief to answer searches, reports, and all others. GEODI will not need the original data unless you want to open it in a viewer or start indexing.
Continuous Discovery
Once you index data sources, the process will repeat automatically for new data(rows, files, emails, etc.). You do not need to intervene; just tell GEODI the recheck period. This is done in Project Wizard.
Index Storage
The index needs some storage. The size will be much smaller than the data, but it is unpredictable. You may assume %10 to %20 generally.
Options like sampling mode or similarity indexing., affect the index size.
A backup space for the index should also be reserved for uninterrupted service.
Indexing Speed
The time very depends on the CPU, Memory, Disk and other resources of the Server that GEODI runs on.
Data throughput of the Network and Disk of data sources are also very important.
Options like OCR or FacePro greatly affect the performance.
Indexing speed explained on the settings page affects the speed. We suggest that you set it to maximum. GEODI will use the CPU as much as possible but leave at least a core for user interaction.
The beginning should be “Index all Content”. After that, you may use all other options. If you set scheduled indexing and have periodic backups you will not need to use options other than maintenance needs.
Monitoring Indexing
GEODI informs you about the progress of indexing. Please be careful about progress bar, which is not lineer. That is GEODI can not know how much time will require to index for future documents, so the progress bar is only an estimate using the previous document indexing time.
Sampling is possible for both, structured and unstructured data. Each data source asks you the sampling values. Sampling saves great time for discovery projects. We suggest you always use sampling for DB discovery. For unstructured data sampling is also a good starting point. Start with sampled mode and see what is in data, are there any unnecessary types or are there any permission problem.
Filecontent Filtering
Any corpus contains various file types. Some may not be necessary for the project scope, and some may be too large to disrupt the network or unwanted at all.
GEODI comes ready with default rules to avoid some file types and place some size limitations, collected from the best practices of many Discovery projects. Here, we documented the rules and how you can modify them.
Filters (%100) | Explanation |
IgnoreRules | Ignore rules contain file extensions, directory names and some patterns. Default list contains *.DLL, *.SYS, “programm files” and similar. Any file matches ignore rules are not indexed and logged at all. Settings are in:
KnownFiles | These files are the ones GEODI has a reader like PDF, DOCX etc. The full list is Supported Formats These files are processed as expected unless there is an IgnoreRule or ProtectRule. Ignorule will set the file type invisible. Protectrule may set so size limitation. |
UnknownFiles | By default unknownfile types are ignored. You may override this settings from Project Wizard advanced settings. If you use “only name and date” then all unknown extensions will be indexed. You may add any unwanted to ignore list but these actions requires to run discovery all over again. |
ProtectRules | These rules is to protects system and network again too large files. Protect rules apply to known and unknown files. The content are grouped as local and far. There is no limitation for local content which resides in local folders and network folders. Far means files from GDE, e-mail attachments and files from web pages. By default, Far content is filtered as any file greater than 100Mb, and Compressed files greater than 500Mb are indexed as name only. You will know these files but not their content. Settings are in: <geodi>\Settings\Engine\ResourceBalancing