GEODI Classifier FAQ

GEODI Classifier FAQ


Classification Issues

  • Yes, query the target and choose “Batch Classification” from GEODI facet area. Files form Folder, FileServer and GDE(PCs) will be included. Labels will be written to the respective files or as alternate data streams (ADS).

  • GEODI Classifier Batch Classification

It is the classification of files discovered in GEODI based on query results.

GEODI discovers IBAN, Credit Card and also money, document type, date or and the document type. The class secret rule may contain Money>1M TL. GEODI recognizes money with many different forms. This is a an example of semantic classification. Similarly, the class:classified may contain a rule “if a contract”. GEODI understands whether a document is a contract with AI.


IT and Licence Issues

Compatibility Issues
