GEODI Classifier Label/Tag Definitions

GEODI Classifier Label/Tag Definitions

GEODI Classifier has a flexible labeling mechanism to adapt a DLP software or an existing labelling schema.

PDF, Office, and Libre Office documents are labeled, and ADS (Alternate Data Stream) is used for all others.

GEODI directly supports files tagged with your current classification tool and adapts to the existing label scheme.

Labels and Sample Files

Below are the labels used in the standard template and sample files. The first lines are mandatory, others are optional. You may change and add new ones.

Label Structure

We create classes as described GEODI Classifier - Class and Policy settings on the page. The labels should follow the rules below.

name:value name:value ...


At least one label must represent the class value and must be fixed. The Value value can take many different forms.

class:confidential class:{58f30e89-66db-4092-a81f-282a2eee431c} class:<x class="confidential"></x> class:{"id":"58f30e89-66db-4092-a81f-282a2eee431c"} class:<x>confidential</x> ...



You can use variables inside the tags. Variable names are case-sensitive.






  1. It may vary depending on the classification tool.

    1. computer user name

    2. Email sender for OWA

    3. GEODI user for batch classification


The version of the application(Shell, or Office addon, or GEODI)


Date information in yyyy-mm-dd format


e-poch date value


UTC full time information,

Default Classes

If you do not have an existing labelling schema, the following classes and tag definitions comes standrt with GEODI. You may direclty use or modify the rukes. If there is no existing tag, you can use the tags below for DLP compliance.








  1. geodilabelclass:id_classification_secret=2155a213-0150-4c2d-9211-dba2def647fd

  2. geodilabeluser:user=%User%

  3. geodilabeltime:datetime=%Date-UTC%

Has money and money greater than 50K usd or equivalent and selected keywords.

Selected Keywords are in a Disctionary. You can freely modify the disctionary, named Classifier\Confidential Keywords


  1. geodilabelclass:id_classification_personalinfo=d36d9a67-b760-4689-ad88-96381e595636

  2. geodilabeluser:user=%User%

  3. geodilabeltime:datetime=%Date-UTC%

(A name or ID) and (Phone, E-mail, Adress or Bloodtype)

ID covers National ID numbers, Medical Numbers, Passport and like.


  1. geodilabelclass:id_classification_restricted=3c9990e0-a748-41de-9d8c-db8783fa5103

  2. geodilabeluser:user=%User%

  3. geodilabeltime:datetime=%Date-UTC%

IBAN, Tax Numbers, Swift code and keywords like “restricted”, “internal use only”

Keywords are in a Disctionary. You can freely modify the disctionary, named Classifier\Restricted Keywords


  1. geodilabelclass:id_classification_unclassified=0ef0d4bf-59b8-4ae6-bbc0-fafde041157b

  2. geodilabeluser:user=%User%

  3. geodilabeltime:datetime=%Date-UTC%


