You can monitor user activities on Geodi and access their logs.

 Live event monitoring


When a content is opened/reached, GEODI can report it to your application. It can call a web address ,that you specify, with the user information.

To achieve this, simply put the JSON definition file with the extension jSettings ,as in the example, into the GEODI/Settings/Events folder .

Only a system administrator who can access this address can add this definition. This folder contains sample contents.

Example Request


{user}, {username}, {wsName}, {data}, {event} can be used in ServiceURL context.

Even if the {user}, {username} parameters are not used, the request-user and request-username information is passed in the HTTP Header content.

Expected Errors

401 Unauthorized access / Access denied

403 Forbidden

511 Network Authentication Required

Example GEODI settings file

	DisplayName:"Sample Event Handler",
	__type: "Factory.ActionFactory:UrlCallerEventHandler",
	ServiceURL: "http(s)://myhost/MyEventHandlerService.ashx?contentid={content}&event={event}",
	AllowCancel: false,
	EventTargets: ["ContentViewer"],
	ActionTargets: "*"

Example application

Reaching the Logs

Unless logging is turned off, user activities are stored in csv format files under %appdata%\Dece\Logs\GEODI\AppUsage.