A token which is granted to use this function is required.  You may use this service with any client that can call REST API's and parse JSON results.


Returns array of records corresponding to the query.

Please visit MobidiQueryManagerHandler technical page for all functions with parameter and response types.



Error Types

401 Unauthorized access / Access denied

403 Forbidden

511 Network Authentication Required

501 Server Error

ResultArray of MobidiEntry objects
Request Example

var myQuery= {
	startDate:"20180114", //14 Ocak 2018 den itibaren 
	endDate:"-1w", //1 hafta önceye kadar
	startIndex:0, //ilk kayıttan itibaren 
	endIndex:20 //20nci kayda kadar 
var callBackFunction= function(data) {
$.post('[MOBIDIServerUrl]/MobidiQueryManagerHandler?op=Query', { 'queryObject': JSON.stringify(myQuery), }, callBackFunction, 'json')

Result Example

	{ record: { id:"..." , layer_id:"..."} , attributes: [ {id:"...",name:"..."}] },
	{ record: { id:"..." , layer_id:"..."} , attributes: [ {id:"...",name:"..."}] },
	{ record: { id:"..." , layer_id:"..."} , attributes: [ {id:"...",name:"..."}] }

Sample Applications