

Settings page enables you to choose preferences at the beginning and manage the system afterwards.

User Settings

Tools for Office user management are here.

System settings

This tab contains various tools.

There are add-ons on the DECE-STORE which you may choose to use them.

Our tech teams may ask for the error logs to identify the problems in your system.

The usage logs show the changes in the records by who/when/what.

The logs are in CSV format which you can use in Excel.

Technical support

From this tab, you can send a Remote Connection request to an authorized person who can switch to technical support. TeamViewer is used for this process. It doesn't need to be installed on your system.

Database Settings

If you want to use another The DBMS, you can set here. After setting the connections, the scheme will be created. This tool works only if your session is on the same server.

Upload Data

You can import the records into a form from excel or a DB.

Mobile Comm Method

The default is DeceCloud which saves you from creatşng a public address and other settings mostly to be done by an IT expert. You may choose MyCloud which uses a dropbox account you provide. These methods require at least 10Min latency between mobile and office.

Direct Connection is for faster and low latency application. It needs a public address.

E-Mail Settings

Mobidi Ofis comes with a predefined e-mail by default. The mails to new users, password forget mails are sent through this. If you do not want these emails to come from our account, please define yours here.