As a best practice, create a separate project for classification other than search and/or discovery. The project for classification does not need to have data.
In this tab, we will define the class labels, their rules, and their appearance in plugins (Microsoft Office, others). Classes should be created with the most important at the top.
ID: You must give a unique value for the class.
Name: The text of the class that you want to appear in the interfaces.
Category: You can create a classification tree by giving different categories. It is useful if you have many classes. By default, it can be empty.
Description: With the description, you write down what you need to know about the class. This text will be a guideline for the users of the plugins. Descriptions will be displayed in the classification interface of the users.
Query: Documents that match the query automatically take the corresponding class. GEODI Query Rules are valid. There are predefined queries (
,...) to help you use the same queries in classes, panels, and other places. This is a good way to simplify configuration and management:Tags: Tags are the key and value pairs to write In MS Word, PDF, or ADS files. If you plan to switch to GEODI from another classification solution, GEODI adapts the existing schema. The transition will be seamless. Please check GEODI Classifier Label/Tag Definitions
Header, Footer, and Watermark values are valid only for MS Office software. If the user chooses this class, the text will be embedded into the document.
You may use %User% to have a user name in the values.
You can use \n to move to the next line for multiple lines of text. For example, “Personally\nIdentifialbe\nInformation”.
Auto classification chooses the last class if the content does not match any other query.
Default Classification rules are set here. These rules are automatically updated for all clients in about 10+ minutes. You may override/change rules by user, group, IP, or classification tools using the “Customize” tab.
Auto Classify Behaviour: Determines how auto-classification works.
Use as a suggestion → The user may or may not use auto.
Disabled → Automatic classification is off
Do not select the class under auto → Users can not choose classes lower than the auto.
Ask Classes on Save: MS Office add-ins open a dialog to choose classes when saving/close or printing. This option determines when the dialog opens.
Show when necessary → If auto-classification is possible or the document already has a class, the dialog does not open.
Always → The dialog opens after each change.
Never - Manuel Only → User can open the dialog manually.
Use OS Meta: Microsoft Office, Libre Office, and PDF formats can be tagged with ADS. These tags are only created by the Shell/Desktop classification tool.
Allow Class Lowering: Determines if a user can choose a lesser class for an already classified document. This is an important setting and you may override it by user, group, or IP.
Classifying internal emails: When the feature is used, if the sending domain address and the target domain address are the same, the email can be sent without asking for classification.
Log Format: By default, all classified documents are logged. This log is stored on the server side. We can deactivate this process or change the logging format. The logs are in the same location as other GEODI logs.
Do not use images for Header/Footer: By default, headers and footers are used as images in Excel. If this option is selected, headers and footers will be used as text in Excel.
Do not use images for Watermark: By default, the watermark is used as an image in Excel. If the 'Do not use images for Watermark' setting is selected, the watermark will be disabled in Excel.
With customization, the default rules can be changed based on User, Group, IP, or the application.
The software automatically generates the token and MSI parameters required for installation. Please refer to the client pages and OWA installation page for details.
Ignoring e-mail signatures
E-mail signatures contain the sender's PII information. To ignore this, you must either change e-mail server settings or prepare a dictionary.
The E-mail server should add a signature after the classification/or just before sending. The method for exchange is https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/disclaimers-signatures-footers-or-headersthe link. Your e-mail server may provide different methods. This method solves only the problem only for the first e-mail. In mail chains, signatures are accumulated. A GEODI dictionary method works for all situations.
You must have a senders list that contains at least the values used in signatures (name, phone, e-mail, etc.).
GEODI can use Excel or a Table as a dictionary. You must generate the signature using Excel formula or SQL. Please check the attached sample Excel. Excel should be updated manually.
Add this dictionary to the discoveries list for the classification project.
That is all.
The method works only if the dictionary and mail signatures match exactly. So before release, we suggest running a few tests for sample senders.
This dictionary can also be used for e-mail discovery to avoid signatures recognized as PII for old emails.
Sender’s actual PII data, in e-mail body, contracts, medical records, etc., will still be recognized.
Sample Excel
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