Code Block |
(HTTPS?://)?(WWW[.])?([Iİ]NSTAGRAM[.]COM)(([/?#][^\s]*)|\s+) * Recognizes Instagram addresses. Supports different spellings. https://www.instagram.com/deceyazilim/ www.instagram.com/deceyazilim/ instagram.com/deceyazilim/. |
Code Block |
\b[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}(?:[ ]?[0-9]{4}){4,5}(?!(?:[ ]?[0-9]){3})(?:[ ]?[0-9]{1,2})?\b
* Recognizes Iban numbers. Recognizes the version without spaces used worldwide and the version with spaces used in our country. |
Code Block |
* Recognizes license plates that comply with the Republic of Türkiye license plate standards. |
You may also use near keywords and validation algorithms like Luhn, Verhoef, or custom ones.
You can use the Words page to better analyze the results better.
You should make sure that ensure there are no spaces at the beginning and end of the regex expression.
You must have a Geodi Pro license and module to use this recognizer.