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Mobidi Ofis ya da Mobil uygulamada oluşturulan kayıtları kullanıcılara görev olarak gönderebilirsiniz. Görevlerde ne yapılacağı, kimin yapacağı, nerede yapılacağı, dikkat edilecek konular gibi bilgiler hazır olur ve atanan kullanıcıya iletilirler. Görevin tamamlanması veya tamamlanamaması sonrası ek bilgiler doldurulur ve süreç devam eder.

Bir kaydı atanabilir hale getirmek için Formunuza “Akıllı Görevlendirme” alanını eklemelisiniz.

Görevin kime atanacağı için çeşitli kuralları kullanabilirsiniz. Hangi kriterleri kullanacağınız seçmelisiniz.

  • Gruplar, görevi bir gruba atayabilirsiniz, grup üyelerinden kimin yapacağı bir sonrası süreçte seçilir. Kullanıcılar görevi kendi üstlerinde de alabilirler.

  • Mobil Kullanıcılar, doğrudan bir kişiye atayabilirsiniz.

  • Departman, kişinin departmanına göre atama yapabilirsiniz. Elektrikçiler yapsın gibi.

  • Görev, kişinin görevine göre atama yapabilirsiniz. Bunu X sisteminin sorumlusu yapsın gibi.

  • Ofis Kullanıcıları ve Ofis grupları görevi ofis kullanıcılarına atamak istediğiniz zaman kullanılır.

Burada seçtiğiniz kurala göre MOBIDI Ofis bu görevi ilgili kullanıcılara iletecektir. Farklı formlarda farklı seçenekler kullanabilirsiniz.

You can send the records created in Mobidi Office or Mobile application to users as tasks. The record contains information like about what to do in, who will do it, where is it, and issues to be considered—this record sed sent to the assigned mobile user. The user fills the form fields elements about the task, whether it is completed or not, and or the process continues. Some users may not care about the assigned task; you can also query monitor these situations.

The smart Assignment feature is valid for Mobile and Office users.

To make a record assignable, you must add the "Smart Assignment" field to your form. This field requires which criteria to use for an assignmentto define criteria.

  • Groups, ; you can assign the task to a group, who will be assigned from the group members may be decided at a later stage. Users can also take the task themselves.

  • Mobile Users, to directly assign to a specific user.

  • Department, you can assign by the department of the user. Like, electricians “electricians” must do this.

  • Positon, You can assign the task according to the user's position. The user responsible for the X system should do this.

  • Office Users and Office groups are used when you want to assign the task to office users.

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Sample Use Cases

İbrahim Çallı bu bölüm Google Translate sonucu. elden geçirmeni ve örneklerden enternasyonel olmayanları ayıklamanı rica ediyorum. Tşk.

A fault record A failure logging can be a task. A fault notification has been received, you have created a task/record. The registration task was forwarded to the field teams as a duty. You can see the result from the panelsdashboards. In the fault record, you can specify the source, type, address, and other details of the fault. If the fault is related to electricity, you can have it transmitted to electricians in the field, and information processing or IT Technicians if it is related to ITthem.

You have a social aid applicationoperation, you determine who the benefits will go to, and you create the records. With the smart assignment, you determine which team will deliver what and when. The records include the address of the person reached, special conditions, and other necessary details.

There is missing information on the site, eg such as photos of structures buildings or door numbers are missing. These records can be delivered to the teams collectively or at times you specify, and missing photos are returned as they are completedor list of numbers will be received by the teams. In the records, the address of the building and other necessary details are writtencan be specified.

You create weekly delivery plans for a service company. Records are created according to these plans and then you watch the deliveries take place. In the records, the address, contact person, phone, special conditions, and the material to be delivered are writtencan be specified.

All these activities can be fully monitored through panels dashboards and reports. Information such as how many tasks went, when they were fulfilled, how much time passed between assignment and performance, how long it took to be done can be monitored and analyzed with dashboards.


“Active User” criteria show up if a form contains Smart Assignment. This feature enables you to create dashboards and reports that each user see sees his/her own task.

Questions like how many tasks I have, where are they, how long it takes to complete, and more are answered by these dashboards and reports.

If the task is assigned to a user, only that user will see the task. But if the task assigned to a group, it is visible to the group. In this process, the manager may directly assign the task to a specific user.


Assignment Time and Conditions of Tasks

You may determine the time and condition of a task to be assigned. If you have weekly plans, create them, and forget. If a check is needed before the assignment, create the rule, and forget. This way, mobile users will not see tens/hundreds of jobs in their app but just the daily ones. Or you do not have to watch another colleague complete something. The Smart Assignments helps help you focus on your job.

"Assignment Condition", which is a part of the Forms is to define conditions and time.
