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Download the setup and run.
The installation will prompt for your license code, and with a valid license code, the modules included in your license will be installed automatically.
After GEODI is installed, the Kurulumu indirin ve başlatın. GEODI can work with a log on user or as a Windows service. We suggest it to work as a service. To ease some of the following steps, we suggest you to do the installation with the service user.
Licence code will be required during the setup phase. With a valid licence code, modules that are included in the licence will be installed automatically via DECE-STORE. For an offline installation environment, modules will be provided by DECE team.
GEODI management interface will be accessible opened in your the browser at with after installation.
The GEODI server should be accessible to clients running the agents, if any. For this purpose, DNS and SSL configurations should be made.You should create a Windows Service for continuous operationmust be reachable from other machines for classification or agent discovery implementations. DNS and SSL definitions must have been made for this reason.
You need to create the Windows service for GEODI to work continuously. GEODI Setup as a Windows Service
Congratulations. You have successfully installed the GEODI. Now it is time , you installed GEODI. The next step is to download templates from DECE-STORE that are ready for your needs(GDPR, Classification, and more).
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The Frequently Asked Questions page provides issues and solutions you might encounter during installation or other processes. |
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UpdateWe constantly update the software because we value quality and user experience. For a GEODI update, running the "update.bat" command that comes with the installation as an administrator is sufficient. You run the command and leave it. All necessary operations will be performed on a running system. GEODI modules get updates more frequently than the main GEODI version. To update only modules you may run UpdateModules.bat çalıştırabilirsiniz. |