query | purpose |
predefined:Money | Content wşth money. Discovery recognizes many money types, $, Euro, Pound or KSA riyal. This query query all. |
predefined:CreditCard | GEODI Discovery covers more than 10 CC plus Test Cards. |
predefined:DB | DB content returns. DB includes SQL Server, Oracle and also sqlite, mdb types. File-based DB’s may be found in file servers or in a mail attachment. |
predefined:Videos | Video content. |
predefined:Images | Image content. |
predefined:Web | Web content, including mails. |
predefined:Maskcontent | Content that can be masked. |
predefined:Local | Content that is local, not from web, not from GDE etc. |
predefined:GDE | Content fed by GDE. |
Predefined:PII | PII findings. This query adapt adapts itself to local rules, and IDs, etc. |
predefined:AbleToClassifyByLabel- predefined:AbleToClassifyByADS | These queries query content types that can be classified with Labelling/Tagging and ADS. As the scope of labeling increases with new developments, we recommend using it on panels, reports, and other places where it is needed. |