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GEODI Download

  1. Download the setup and run

  2. The installation will prompt for your license code, and with a valid license code, the modules included in your license will be installed automatically.

  3. After GEODI is installed, the GEODI management interface will be accessible in your browser at

  4. For classification or agent-based discovery applications, the The GEODI server should be accessible from other machines for classification or agent-based discovery applications. For this purpose, DNS and SSL configurations should be made..

  5. You should create a Windows Service for continuous operation. GEODI Setup in Default Mode


  1. as a Windows Service

  2. Congratulations. You have successfully installed the GEODI. Now it is time to download ready templates for your needs(GDPR, Classification, and more) from DECE-STORE.


The Frequently Asked Questions page provides issues and solutions you might encounter during installation or other processes, you can refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page. .


Offline Installation


Please consult for environments that are not open to the internetInternet.


As a result of the importance we attach to We constantly update the software because we value quality and user experience, we constantly update the software. For a GEODI update, it is sufficient to run running the "update.bat" command that comes with the installation as an administrator is sufficient. You can also run the command and leave it. All necessary operations will be performed on a running system.

You can also turn the "update.bat" command into a scheduled task with a user with appropriate authorisation.

The updating of PC's discovery (GDE) and Classification Agents is fully automatic.

GEODI Data Folder

GEODI stores projects and indexes workspace definitions, indexes, logs, and other information it needs things in %appdata% directories. It creates these directories automatically. However, it may need to be defined in a different place in line with the needs. InfoIn the following cases, the AppDataFolderAppDataFolder value must be changed accordingly in SystemSettings.json. For details the %appdata% folder, which are created automatically during the installation.

If the install and Windows service users are different, you need to set up a new folder. Otherwise, the service cannot access the license and other information.

Change the AppDataFolder value in the SystemSettings.json file.

System Configuration and Security Settings

If You may use this method if there is no insufficient space for the index in the default %appdata% directoryfolders.

  • If the Windows Service user and the user who installed GEODI are DIFFERENT.

  • Info
  • GEODI must be off for the definitions to be valid.

  • Existing %appdata%directories must be MOVED to the new location. In this way, existing information such as project and licence will remain valid.

  • In Windows Service installation, the service user must have read/write authorisation to the new directories

    1. Tanımların geçerli olması için GEODI kapalı olmalıdır.

    2. If there is a previous %appdata% folders, you may MOVE these folders to the new place. After MOVE, you should also change read/write permiisions of the folders for windows service users access.

    3. This action will ensure that license and other settings remain intackt.

    Making SSL Definitions

    For Classification and Agent PC Discovery projects, the GEODI address must be secure and accessible from clients. You must make the following settings in GEODI for SSL Certificate. For details, you can refer to the System Configuration and Security Settings page. Definitions must be made before agent deployments.





    In cases where certificates are managed with a load balancer, you You do not need to make any additional definitions on the GEODI side in cases where certificates are managed with a load balancer.