External Metadata must be defined for DWG, DXF and DGN Files. Supported File Formats
The same metadata file can be defined for NCZ and DRE files when not available.
CAD&GIS User Training must have been received
What is the GeoArchive? (with Live example)
What does the Section Number Recognizer do (if any) (explanation through sample project)
What does the Milestone Identifier do? (if available) (Explanation based on a sample project)
What does a Geographic Border Recognizer do? (narration through drone maps scenario)
What does the Geographic Table Recognizer do? (explanation on sample data)
Examples of Crosscutting Content
For GEODI Admins
GeoArchive setup
Section Number Recognizer Setup
Creation of route dictionaries
Border Recognizer
Coordinate Table Recognizer
Layout Recognizer
Questions and Answers