Based on GEODI can mask or anonymize files or databases based on discovery resultsdiscovery results, files and databases can be Masked or Anonymized.
Masking means blacking out obscuring sensitive data , and anonymization means replacing data with fake but real-looking ones. Both functions allow you to share content with less concern. Masking hides sensitive information, and you can identify whether a document is masked. But anonymization creates a completely real-looking version of the content. Anonymization is more suitable for testing or data scientists.Each finding is replaced with a real-looking value. Currently, the following entities are anonymizedwithin a content or replacing it with a fixed alternative text. Anonymization, on the other hand, means replacing a value with another value that appears to be real.
With Masking, sensitive data is completely removed. Anonymization breaks the link with the real data but keeps the data looking real. You can easily share your sensitive information or databases with test teams, data analysis teams, or researchers by anonymizing them.
In Anonymization, each value is replaced with a compatible alternative. A name is replaced with another name, a phone number with another phone number, and so on. The ready-to-use values are listed below.
Name → Name
Money → Money
Dictionaries(Placename, part number or other) → random value from the same dictionary
Creditcard → Creditcard
Tel → Tel
e-Mail → e-Mail
Date → Date
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Profiles Profiles defines which findings are to be anonimyzed. Ypu may anonimyze all, or PII or Financial data. The functions ask you to choose from existing profiles. |
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Anonimyze chociesAnonymization in content can be applied in several ways:
Persistent File Anonimization
GEODI creates a copy of the content undergoing masking to perform the process. The operation functions in the "Mask and Download" manner.
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You may also use batch anonimization options on the actions menu. Batch process allows you to convert thousands of files at the same can also perform this operation in bulk using the “Batch Mask/Anonymize” action from the Actions menu. This action creates a script that should be executed by the system administrator. If there are only a few files or individual files, you can use the masking/ anonymization feature within the viewer to produce modified copies of the files. time. |
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Dynamic masking allows authorization at the user and discovery layer levels.
A MASKING and DISCOVERY DISCIVERY license is required for anonymization.
The number of users is equal to the number of GEODI users.