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title | No result from the DB sources |
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Connection string may not be correct. You should test before saving the project. You can do it now. Check the permissions
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title | I have no DB connection but results shows many rows |
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GEODI, by default, crawls file based databases like SQlite or Access. These files are processed like office or PDF files. You may set to ignore them. |
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title | Embedded or linked files does not shown |
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You should define DB meta to do that. This page explains ho to create DB metas.
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title | Permissions are not affective |
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GEODI, by default, reads all rows with same persmissions. To set a row based permission please use DB meta. |
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title | Can I index embedded files in the tables? |
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Yes. with a few simple DBmeta definitions you may index those files. In this case GEODI will show row and file separately. You will be able to query the file using DB attributes. |
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title | How can I open CRM application through GEODI search? |
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It is possible. You index the CRM database and with a simple DB meta and set a link that opens the original CRM apps. CRM app should have a simple URL(query string) that can be build using the attributes. |
DB Meta
DBmeta is a way to change all behavior here by database and/or tablewise. This page contains necessary information about how DBmetas are defined.