File | UNCPath of classified content Örnek: C:\Users\<user>\Desktop\Yeni Microsoft Word Belgesi (2).docx |
PreviousClass | Current Class (value = “?” for content without a class) |
Class | Given Class |
Source | Method of classification (Shell/Add-In) |
ClientIP | Client IP |
ClientUser | Client User Name |
Process Memory(Kb) | The memory used on the system at the time the log was written. |
Process Max Memory(Kb) | The peak of Memory usage in the system. |
AutoClass | AutoClass kolonuna otomatik öneri olarak veya zorla kullanılmışsa otomatik ile belirlenen sınıfın ID değeri geliyor. Otomatik hiç kullanılmamışsa boş loglanacakIf the AutoClass column is used as an automatic recommendation or forcibly, the ID value of the class determined automatically is provided. If automatic classification has never been used, it will be logged as empty. |
ActionType |
Writing Classification Logs to Database