File | UNCPath of classified content Örnek: C:\Users\<user>\Desktop\Yeni Microsoft Word Belgesi (2).docx |
PreviousClass | Current Class (value = “?” for content without a class) |
Class | Given Class |
Source | Method of classification (Shell/Add-In) |
ClientIP | Client IP |
ClientUser | Client User Name |
Process Memory(Kb) | The memory used on the system at the time the log was written. |
Process Max Memory(Kb) | The peak of Memory usage in the system. |
AutoClass | AutoClass kolonuna otomatik öneri olarak veya zorla kullanılmışsa otomatik ile belirlenen sınıfın ID değeri geliyor. Otomatik hiç kullanılmamışsa boş loglanacak. |
ActionType |
Writing Classification Logs to Database