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What are the system requirements?
It is explained with PostgreSQL example on MOBIDI Ofis farklı bir veri tabanına nasıl bağlanır? PostgreSQL bağlantısı örneği page. Other VTs are also made from the same screen.
Getting Started with MOBIDI Office
Delivery problem on “New User Mail”
We prepare our collective records in an excel file or database table, with describing each field being a column and each record being a row. Then we load it from Settings-Load Data. You must do this in an environment where Mobidi has installed. The attachments of the records are in the form of paths, if there will be more than one attachment, there should be a "|” sign between the paths.
Mobile Users
Incorrect phone number?
This user can not get a Licensing SMS. Correct the phone number and resent it by using the Mobile User page.
After sending the SMS from the mobile users page, the "Your Message Has Been Sent" box appears on the Send List. Click on the post list and click… next to the “user”. Send the link to the user in another way. This link is also available in the sent SMS.
Mobile Application
No data is coming from the user
Excel Report and Import Error
I cannot view / edit the panel created by my system administrator in Mobidi Office. I cannot create a new panel/dashboard.
For detailed information about panels/dashboards, you can visit Paneller.
Other Issues
Problem Playing Audio Files in Mobidi Office
You can download and install it on your computer.
I cannot see the locations of my records and attachments on the “Map” tab in the Menu.
Click on Query from the menu on the left to view the records and attachments on the map. Click on the magnifying glass icon at the top right from the page that opens. The Records and Attachments options under the General Drawing Options can be checked. After clicking the Query Button at the bottom right, you can see the records and attachments on the map.