Records created with The map generated by MOBIDI and MOBIDI Office can be mapped in use many different ways, and different base maps can be used.
Map Features
You can view your recordings in many different styles on the base you choose. You can also use features such as measuring distance, shortest route, Street View, Google Maps, find an address or switching to other map servers.
Registration Styles
The display format (style) of the records can be prepared on a form basis. When creating these styles, there are many options for color, size, and display. Please see the form creation page for details.
Defining a Map Base
The definitions required for Google and Bing come with MOBIDI Office. The use of these pads may require a royalty or additional feesYou can use common base maps like google maps or bing maps or define yours. You can also use a WMS service suitable for your needs.
You can define how the records will be shown. We call this style and styles are defined when you design a form. Please check the Copy of Yeni Form Nasıl Oluşturulur, Formlar Nasıl Düzenlenir? page for the details.
Defining a New Base Map
The definitions for Google Maps and Bing included the setup. We only provide technical information. It is your responsibility of using these maps in case of any royalty or additional fee requirements. Please check the respective provider pages.
You can also use WMS servers as bases. You can also add different types of footers such as GPX, Image, KML, TileJSON Server.You can add/edit your base definitions by clicking + from the Map Forms section on the phone you see on the left in the project settingsGPX files, GeoTIFF, KML files and WMS or TileJSON Server.